Collection of Absolutely the BEST Pug Videos
Funny, cute, wonderful, adorable, and absolutely fantastic videos of Pugs!
Odie the Pug Saying “I Love You” on The Late Show with David Letterman
Foster Pug Day 1 – courtesy of DFW Pug Rescue Club in Dallas, TX area (thanks for all you do!)
Dexter, the pug puppy, literally falling asleep
Durain, the High-fivin’ Pug Just a cute video and a really cute puggy dog.
Kickie Pug Between the French Bull chasing the pug and the other pug doing the kickie dance (nowhere near where it peed…so like a pug), this one just makes me smile.
egon spangler Adorable doesn’t even cover it. Not sure which is more adorable, a pug puppy or an old pug.
Guinness the Pug herding sheep Too cute.
Max – A Hairy and Chubby ET Creative and CUTE. Those lyrics just stick in your head…lol.
(These pug names are so awesome! Guinness, Dexter, just love ’em!)
More videos will be added to the collection with time. If you know of some great videos with Pugs that should be included in this list, don’t hesitate to email us!
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