Makeup Color Choices for Porcelain Skin
Concealer – Use same color as foundation. Foundation stick can work well as concealer. Do NOT use yellow-based powder. Use white face powder, sparingly.
Blush – Pale pink or apricot. If your face is fair, but not quite porcelain, stick with sandy pink tones. Keep it as natural looking as possible. Avoid anything with brown undertones.
Eyes – Use cool tones. White, shell, gray, navy, slate. Black mascara. Avoid anything with red tones (pink, rose, etc) as it will just make eyes look tired. For eyeshadow base, use white or shell…whichever tone best blends in with your skin. For lid color, use medium color… For contour, use a slightly deeper and darker color.
Lips – Soft pastels, true and clean bright colors, rich burgundies. Again, avoid brown tones.
For more beauty tips and hints, pick up a copy of Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution: A Guide to a Lifetime of Beauty