Recipes for Homemade Hair Rinses Using Essential Oils
Recipes for natural home-made rinses for your hair. Great for adding softness, shine, and silkiness. Also help in controlling oil, dandruff, and improving the general health and condition of hair.
Hair Rinse Recipe
1 T apple cider vinegar
2 oz water
1 drop lavender essential oil
1 drop rosemary essential oil
Combine and add to final rinse. Good for all types of hair, as well as for treating hair loss and dandruff.
Hair Rinse Recipe 2
1 T apple cider vinegar
2 oz water
1 drop geranium essential oil
1 drop rosemary essential oil
Combine and add to final rinse. Good for treating hair loss, dandruff, and soothing an itchy scalp.
Essential Beer Hair Rinse
1 T apple cider vinegar
1 oz beer (can be any type, cheapo beer is fine)
1 oz water
2 drops rosemary essential oil
2 drops lavender essential oil
Combine and use in final rinse.
Herbal Hair Rinse
2 T dried rose petals
2 T dried peppermint
2 T dried lavender
Mix together. In glass pot, bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Add herb mixture. Turn off heat and cover. Allow to sit covered tightly for 20 minutes. Strain and allow liquid to cool. Use as final rinse for hair.
The use of essential oils is not recommended for the very young or aged, or pregnant/nursing women. It is the belief of this site that essential oils should not be used internally, only externally and topically. A skin test should always be done before using an essential oil, especially important for those more sensitive or vulnerable. Consult a reputable and experienced aromatherapist for guidance. If you are under the care of a physician, it is recommended that you contact them before using essential oils.