Lyrics to Cassie by Flyleaf
Cassie lyrics by Flyleaf
Lyrics ©Flyleaf (Lacey Mosley, James Culpepper, Sameer Bhattacharyan, Jared Hartmann, Pat Seals)
The question asked in order
To save her life or take it
The answer no to avoid death
The answer yes would make it
Make it
Do you believe in God
Written on the bullet
Say yes to pull the trigger
Do you believe in God
Written on the bullet
And Cassie pulled the trigger
All heads are bowed in silence
To remember her last sentence
She answered him knowing what would happen
Her last words still hanging in the air
In the air
Do you believe in God
Written on the bullet
Say yes to pull the trigger
Do you believe in God
Written on the bullet
And Rachel pulled the trigger
How many will die (drawn out)
I will die (drawn out)
I, I will say yes! (screamed)
Then Cassie pulled the trigger
Do you believe in God
Written on the bullet
And Rachel pulled the trigger
Do you believe in God
Written on the bullet
And I will pull the trigger
Flyleaf’s acoustic version of Cassie
Live version of Flyleaf’s Cassie
Meaning and story behind the song and lyrics: Cassie (Cassie Bernall) was one of the victims of the Columbine High School shooting massacre in Littleton, Colorado. It was rumored that before being shot, Cassie was asked, “Do you believe in God?” and upon responding “Yes”, she was shot in the head. There’s talk that this might’ve been inaccurately attributed to Cassie and the question was really directed at Valeen Schnurr who was shot but survived.
You’ll also note that on the video and in some versions of the song lyrics, Flyleaf also mentions the name Rachel. Rachel Joy Scott was one of the first victims of shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at Columbine. It was claimed in early news reports that Rachel was asked the same sort of question after one of the gunmen shot her in the leg — “Do you still believe in God?”. Rachel was a devout Christian. Upon answering in the affirmative, she was shot again, at point-blank range in the head. It has been claimed that Rachel was targeted by the killers due to her Christian beliefs and that there are videos of the gunmen prior to shootings that mock her for her Christianity. The version that mentions Rachel is on Flyleaf’s EP. The version that just says “Cassie” is on Flyleaf’s LP.