Giving Gifts of Charity
Great gift-giving ideas for Christmas, Hannukah, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and other special occasions that result in donations to help animals, breast cancer awareness and research, end world hunger, promote literacy, protect the rain forest, support the brave men and women of our armed forces, and children’s health issues:— generate funding that makes a difference for worthy causes – breast cancer, world hunger, literacy, animal rescue, children’s health, rainforest…
Helping Udders— Buy merchandise and choose the pet rescue you want to support from the long list of participants! Gives 10%-50% of every sale to rescues.— funds go toward public awareness, education projects, research, rescue and rehabilitation, and advocacy for the protection of manatees and their habitat
NW Pom Rescue— Buy a blanket for a doggie!
Farm Sanctuary— buy gifts and cards to help Farm Sanctuary rescue abused farm animals and move closer each day to a more humane future— profits from purchases go directly to support worldwide education about wolves
UNICEF— buy cards and gifts and make a real difference in the lives of children around the world— donations go toward the building of a world-class advanced training skills center for military personnel catastrophically disabled in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as military personnel and veterans severely injured in the normal performance of duties— buy something for your best friend…100% of the profit goes to help dogs and cats in need through Hearts United for Animals, a national no-kill animal shelter, sanctuary and animal welfare organization — raising awareness and funds for pediatric cancer (we bought the book “Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand” and donated it to our local public library…it’s an idea we suggest for others)
Give gifts that give twice!
To locate a cause, check out They list charities by categories such as Animals & Environment, Arts & Culture, Civic & Community, Education & Research, Health, Human Services, International, and Religion. They also include links to charities that accept donations of products and goods as well.
Many of the stores sell greeting cards as well or buy your holiday, birthday, thank you, and cards for other occasions through DrawBridge – An Arts Program for Homeless Children where every card you send will help a homeless child.
You may also be interested in Christmas Cards and Holiday Cards for Charity.